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Refud and Return policy
At arnimfashion.com, we aim to make shopping absolutely worry-free. If you are not satisfied with any products that you have bought on our site, you are entitled to get a refund. Please read the Refud and Return policy for more details.
  • You can return any unopened product (you must return the product re-sellable condition, in order to exchange or replace), except perishable products like groceries, cakes, dry fruits, sweets, chocolates or any other product, with limited shelf life in its original packaging or original condition as applicable to arnimfashion.com.
  • Please indicate the reason for returning the product in a short note (if you wish to!), put the product and the note with the Order Number into a secure package, affix our address note (our Returns address is given below) and send it through a reliable courier or mail it to us within 72 hours.
    We will exchange the the product. Please note that we will provide a refund facility only for products bought from our web store.
  • Products should be returned for exchange/replcement within 72 hours after you have received them. NO EXCEPTION
  • If you receive a damaged or defective item, please send the same in a secure packaging back to us within 72 hours of delivery. Attach a short note stating the reason for return, your Order Number, put the product in a secure package and send it to us via a reliable courier or mail. We will promptly issue you a replacement after you have returned the damaged or defective product.

    Please note that we will provide a refund for products bought from our website.
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Dhakai Jamdani Saree
Moslin Saree
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Salwar Kameez
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